For The Love Of Fucking Packers

No I mean like…fucking packers.

I’ve long been on the search for the perfect dildos. In my case, perfect means soft, squishy, pliable. Boring in shape and accommodating in size, I’m most pleased by something that closely mimics the feel of a real penis (stiff, funky shapes and large sizes are painful for me.)

I’ve come across a small handful of dildos that have been just this close to perfect – The Mustang, The Helio, The Shilo, The Ergo, The Adam Supersoft – but while they’re all great, none of them quite makes it to just exactly right for me. The Adam and Ergo are on the bigger end of the spectrum for me but still managable, the Shilo and Mustang have a more defined shape, and the Helio is just so delightfully bland in all ways. The major tell for all of them it seems, is the squish. Even the Adam which is a single-density (no firm inner core) is just too rigid – though I suspect if it were slimmer a good bit of that firmness would dissipate.

5 dildos piled on top of each other

I’ve been looking at packers for some time now. While I identify as cis (the gender I was assigned at birth feels correct to me) I’ve had no shortage of moments where I thought to myself “I wonder what this would feel like if I had a dick?” I think about it when I’m getting dressed, I think about it (often angrily) when I’m deeply struggling to manage an orgasm with my stubborn buried clit, I think about it while watching cis-het-porn and imagining myself in the dude’s place, and I think about it a ton when I wake up from a lucid sex dream where I can never seem to see my own genitals but by the activities going on, I’m left to assume dream-me was sporting a cock. More than once I’ve strapped on a dildo just to jack off with my spare hand while I apply a vibe to my clit with the other. It was only a matter of time before I graduated to trying packing.

Above photo of blue flaccid circumcised packing dildo on its side

So I bought a packer and I haven’t actually packed with it at all. I don’t currently own any pants that I even fit myself into sans extra parts, so packing is going to have to wait on an eventual shopping trip for some new digs. What was I to do with my new packer in the meantime? Apparently the answer is fuck it, and by gods it’s been glorious.

above photo of blue flacid circumcised packing dildo

I picked up the New York Toy Collective Archer. I chose it because I generally dislike most companies attempts at skin tones (BS Atelier is my exception but they don’t do packers) and NYTC make their packers in blue, purple, and gold. The Archer is a wonderfully squishy cock that’s probably meant to appear flaccid but I’ve found it easily fuckable anyway. I don’t really go wild with thrusting when I use an insertable, but it’s still firm enough to hold up to full, medium paced strokes. It’s also got a bit of stretch to it which allows me to apply some nice resistance to the out-stroke with my pelvic muscles that a more rigid dildo would cause to be irritating to me. To the hand, the texture of the silicone isn’t the velvety soft and smooth that I’ve previously described as feeling most lifelike in other dildos, but once lubed up and inside me, my vag doesn’t seem to notice or care, it just feels amazing.

Side view of packing dildo folded in half on itself

My deep love for using the Archer as a sex toy might stem a bit from a personal kink – I love a good semi. Glaring erections are great and all, but more than that I love beginning an encounter with a soft cock and getting to feel and see the transformation take place (and know that I was the catalyst for such.) I’d be hard-pressed to rank all the parts of sex in order of favorites, but I can say that I absolutely revel in those moments just post-ejaculation where I can feel the cock starting to relax (and adore it when the owner of said cock is still fucking me with it or allowing me to suck it, right up until the very last second of rigidity, no matter how sensitive they may be after cumming because I just can’t get enough of it.) Finding that perfect human feeling of in-between in a dildo seemed like an impossibility before using the Archer. Now that I’ve tried it, I almost can’t imagine ever wanting to use another dildo. A lot of people’s love of sex toys is being able to explore sensations that the human body isn’t capable of producing and expand on their pleasure horizons, and while I do enjoy that from time to time, more often than not if I decide to use a dildo then I’m striving to find something that feels as close to human-to-human sex as possible. This is especially important to me if I’m trying to sync up with whatever porn I’m watching or playing out a specific partnered scenario in my head. For maybe the first time, my body seems to be in agreement – I find myself quite a bit wetter and having better (more comfortable and more pleasing) orgasms with the Archer than with any of my other dildos.

I’ve still got a few internal vibrators that I use and I’ll of course keep reviewing a whole host of different toy options, but for personal use I think the Archer is a new staple to my masturbation habits.

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